Monday, March 18, 2013

Page Kit Club Owner: Ginger Cooper Shares Her Secrets to Success!

This week we introduce you to Ginger Cooper, Page Kit Creator Extraordinaire!  Read on to learn how Ginger keeps her customers smiling!

Name:  Ginger Cooper


contact:  3403 Par Rd. Sebirng, FL 33872, (863)414-5595

Business name:  Scrap Jammies

Description:  Scrap Jammies is apage kti club featuring 12x12 double spread page kits, using the latest and greatest scrapbook trends on the market, everything is pre-palnned and pre-cut, you can sunscribe and receive our Inspiration in a Box automatically on a monthly basis which includes three 2 page layouts, or you can browse the site and add available page kits to your cart at anytime!  Saves you time and money and is packed with creativity.  How Long:  9 months

How did you get started:  I purchased the name from previous owners who ran Scap Jammies until 2009 and started with the construction of our website and emailing all scrappers!

What did you do wrong or what have you learned:  I have learned that the key to any web based business is social media marketing and the more contact the better, your customers like to feel special and valued, so giveaways and specials are essential. 

What you did right:  Making sure the customer understands the product, using the latest and greatest scrapbook trends on the market, and making our page kits actual page kits and not just product kits has catered to our customers needs for time, money and creativity.  They do not have to shop and coordinate, they do not have any leftover product of the same line that they have to organize and store or feel they have wasted money on simply because they do not want the same theme or same products on every page in their album.

Greatest Challenge:  The greatest challenge for me has been learning the different avenues of  social media, there is so much out there and it is imperative to stay abreast of the trends.

Marketing Success:  Facebook has been an absolutely amazing tool for marketing.  Also, the one thing that is guaranteed to grab attention of your customers and potential customers is giveaways, freebies, prizes etc.!

Business Advice:  The best advice I can give for any crafting business or web based business in general is to stay at it EVERY single day.  Know and keep the attention of your target market, reach out to them on a daily basis and keep your name popping up on their Facebook page, in their in-box, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. etc. 

What does the future look like for you:  My future will be filled with more and more posts, pictures, ideas, techniques, PRIZES, & FREEBIES, not to mention expanding our horizons to incorporate multi media kits and embellishment kits for sale on the site as we challenge our customer base to go "outside the box" and live creatively!! 

Be sure to visit to learn more!

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