Friday, January 18, 2013

Five Great Tips to Get Organized

Five Tips to Get Organized!

There is a quite a bit of work to be done when starting your own business and many records to be kept.  Now, I am a crafter and I know that we can amass quite a bit of crafting supplies.  Many of us, also have a craft room/office in the same space.  Start your journey off or continue it on a clean note.  Get yourself organized.  Here are a few tips that might inspire you!  Trust me when I say, It'lll make things so much easier. 
1. De-clutter

Have you needed it in the past year?  Make a to do pile, keep pile and toss pile.  Do you really need that recipe you printed 2 years ago?  What about that sample project print are never going to create?  That old magazine you haven't referred back to yet?  Get rid of it, if it has no purpose,  no use.

2. Store your files. 

Make sure you have a place to store your files, contracts, business papers etc.  Start labeling them now, so you can drop items in without the extra time of needing to create the file.  If you already have a storage system be sure to go through and clean it out.  Remove old outdated, no longer needed papers.

3. Tackle Your To-Do Pile

Focus your efforts on your to do list.  By continuously working on the pile you maintain your organization.  Be sure to create file folders for each project you are working on, for each client, for each event...whatever suits your needs and goals.  Once items are complete remove, discard or store the completed file.

4. Keep Your Desk Clear

Now that you have de-cluttered, your desk surface should be clear!!!  Yes!  Prevent clutter by adopting the one touch approach.  Deal with every piece of paper(and/or email) that crosses your desk immediately!   Trash it, act on it, file it or  only if you must,  place it in your inbox until you have time to handle it.

5. Use Technology Wisely

You can combine your calendar, address book, to-do lists and more on your computer and phone.  They can send you pop-up reminders about meetings and deadlines. Take the time to learn to use these tools to your benefit. They can save you time, money and a headache, all while helping you to build strong relationships with your clients. 


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